Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Visit to the Coast

The end of August was a BUSY time for us! We went to see my parents and Jase and I got to stay the whole week at the beach! I love when we get to go and spend a good amount of time there. It gives us time to relax and visit people we don't get to see often without feeling like we're taking time away from Jase seeing my parents. We got to go to the beach twice, visit with friends, go to Avila Farm and Jase even got a hair cut!
In N Out Stop
Playing with Bubu and Uncle Jason 
Lucy leading the Bozzo Boys
Sparkler Fun... Because theres never a bad time for Sparklers! 

Taking in the view 
Avila Farm

Loves his Grandma and Papa
Trash Truck
Resting at the Beach 

Sam, Lucy and Jase
Almost the whole crew 

Getting water
Hair cut
Playing in Grandmas back yard 
Dinosaur Egg
His old man walk 
Talking with Uncle Jason at lunch
Beach with Aunty Courtney

Water play 
Miss Abby 

Stay Tuned...

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