Saturday, October 26, 2013

Jase's 6 Month Stats

Finally getting to this....

Jase had his doctors appointment last week where he got his normal check up and his 6 month shots. His doctor says he's growing great and on point for all his milestones! We asked about possibly introducing a less sensitive formula, but the doctor said he's growing great so no need to introduce anything else. She does want us to offer more solids. She wants us up to three times a day but we're only at two times right now. I'm still kind of following Jase's lead with this and trying to also listen to his body as well. So he gets some in the morning and evening right now. I am still making food, but he also gets the Gerber packages when we're out and about or traveling. Jase also took his shots like a champ, once again! Only cried a little for the last two. So, here are his stats:

Length: 27.5 Inches
Weight: 17 Pounds 12 Ounces
Head: 40 Centimeters

We have a Happy, Healthy, Growing Boy... Thank You GOD!

Stay Tuned...

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