Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mommy Blog: On His Back

Jase has had a problem with spitting up since about two weeks of age (take not of the kid always wearing a bib). Based on his symptoms in the beginning the pediatrician said it was reflux, but I was very hesitant to give him medication for this. I did some research and found that the medication given doesn't stop the spitting up, but just helps the baby not be in so much pain when it happens. At the point when Jase's reflux was getting worse was also when he was having his tummy issues and it seemed that the pain of the reflux went away or at least was not so severe when we switched him to formula. He was seeming not to cr when he was spitting up. I really think the formula being thicker then my breastmilk helped a lot to keep it down. (Though a lot still came back up!)

I also did some more research and talked to the doctor about what we could do to help Jase not spit up so much, mostly at night. During the day it is mainly a laundry issue, but at night I would hear him cough and gag when he would spit up and that scared me and wake him up. It was recommended to keep him some what elevated. We had Jase in a newborn sleeper that came with our pack n play, so I put some towels underneath to elevate his upper body a bit and this seemed to help a little. Only problem with that was he was growing out of that fast. He was definitely not ready to sleep flat on his back in his pack n play or crib so I was crazed on finding a new solution. The doctor recommended just elevating his mattress, but Jase is not a still sleeper and I didn't want him waking himself up by moving all around (he hated the swaddle so that wasn't an option).

I had heard a lot of great things about the Fisher Price Rock N Play so I did some research on that. I really didn't want to purchase yet ANOTHER product that Jase might only use for a couple months, but I was desperate to help Jase get good rest at night and us too! After reading all the positive and negative review I decided that the Rock N Play was a good investment for our family, and eventually we will want to give Jase a sibling so it wouldn't be a totally waste if he only used it for a bit! After talking to my grandma that day about what was going on with Jase and how he was doing, she said I could purchase the Rock N Play and she would pay for it! Score! Jase has been sleeping in the Rock N Play for about month I think and he sleeps so well. I did learn fast that I do have to strap him in or he slides down through the night! Funny to see, but probably not good for his little body!!

Ok, so now onto the title of the post. I RARELY put Jase flat on his back. Really the only time he is completely flat is for a diaper change or minimal time on the play mat. I have made a system to change his diaper before he eats (unless needed other times, I don't let him just sit in a dirty diaper) to avoid him spitting up and not laying him on the play mat for at least an hour after he ate.
I did not noticed his spitting up getting better daily, but weekly I was starting to notice that he was spitting up less and less!

Just last week I thought about starting to put him on his back a little more often, trying first for nap time. He was spitting up occasionally like this but not nearly as bad as before! Now with in the last couple days I have put him on his back for nap or play time and he is doing SO well! I am such a happy mom to see that Jase's little digestive system is growing and maturing so he can do normal baby activities! I am praying this keeps up!

I am still not sure when I will make the transition to the pack n play and then crib, I used to think he'd only be in our room for 3 months, but I'm happy to see progress! I am excited to maybe start a nap time routine though in his crib during the day so he gets used to it! We'll take it one day at a time!!! :-))

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