Friday, July 19, 2013

Jase is 15 Weeks Old

Like every parent says, I can't believe how FAST time is going!!! I find myself, often, looking at pictures of Jase in the hospital and the first couple of weeks and can't believe how much he's changing everyday. He is such a blessing in our lives and it's hard to remember life without him.

Jase has been learning so many new things lately:

  • grabbing at toys and holding onto them on purpose - It's amazing to see him holding a toy and just examining it so intently
  • getting good at pulling his pacifier out and on occasion getting it back in
  • enjoying tummy time a little more then he used to now that he can put weight on his arms
  • loves his bottle and tries to hold it, instead of just randomly hit it
  • loves diaper changes unless he's really hungry
  • watches Abby more intently 
  • new thing just this week: starting to do a high pitch scream when he's excited. It's not every time, but its oh so cute!
  • still LOVES his swing
  • sitting up in his bouncer - must be strapped in at all times now- wont last much longer
  • sits up with some assistance
  • stands with some assistants - he actually really loves to stand!!!
  • likes to play airplane
  • putting everything in his mouth
It's so great to watch this little boy grow! On the day he turned 15 weeks old he was a extra happy boy so we did a photo shoot! Enjoy!

Stay Tuned...

Grandma & Grandpa S Visit

Last weekend my parents came up to visit us! We love having family visit and always have so much fun! My parents really wanted to go to San Francisco as well so we planned a day trip there as well as to Old Town Sacramento.  Jase had a great time with his grandparents and learned a new trick from grandma... how to blow bubbles! See Pictures below.

During our visit to Old Town Sacramento we visited the Train Museum. I hadn't been there since I think Elementary school, so it was nice to revisit! It's crazy to see how far train technology has come.

SF was great as well! We left Elk Grove in the morning and got there around lunch time. We didn't really have a plan except that we wanted to et at Scoma's. Jase was pretty fussy when we got there so we fed him and headed to Scoma's to eat our lunch! It was great timing since by time we sat down Jase was pretty sleepy. It was so nice to eat out with out Jase crying. He did, however, have a fit when we left. I think it was just too windy for him, so we headed back home.

It's always sad to see family leave, but we had a great time!

Silly Boy
Playing with Grandpa 
Jase slept through the entire museum trip
Caught Ya!
Scott looks thrilled
Mom and Dad Learning
Big Train
passed out at Scoma's
group shot
Stay Tuned...

ExerSaucer Fun

I'm behind...again!

Last week I noticed Jase was getting a little more core strength so I wanted to try out the ExerSaucer again. He loved it. I did need to put a blanket in with him to help steady him a bit since it's made to bounce around. Enjoy!

Stay Tuned...

Friday, July 12, 2013

Remembering GOD is in Control

One thing I can say for sure that parenthood has done to me is brought me closer to GOD. I would always put myself in the category of a Christian and full believer in God and his creations, but I am definitely guilty of going astray every once in a while. I would not say I do this willingly or even knowingly, but it happens. As life changes, sometimes so fast, you're faced with big decisions and I sometimes forget to relay on God for the right answer.

When I found out I was pregnant, after a year of trying/praying I was MORE then excited! It had finally happened for us! This started out my reliance on GOD. Up to this point I had spent my time praying to God and not understanding why he was putting me though this struggle. Instead of praising God for the GREAT things he has given me, I was upset for what he wasn't. I wanted for a baby SO bad and it seem that everything was going wrong. So, when I saw the two very precious lines on the pregnancy test a little light switch went off in my head. Those two pink lines showed up about a week after Scott had accepted a job and we were moving out of town, away from family and myself now jobless. With that ahead I had nothing else to do but put my faith in GOD. Wouldn't you know, I started to see why God waited to answer my prayers until now. He was not ignoring me, but like everything with him, it's on his perfect time. This move and Scott's new job allowed me to stay at home, we found a wonderful doctor up here and allowed me to see my little munchkin at every appointment and gave us a little more security with income and we would have covered insurance for our new little one. Throughout the pregnancy I prayed daily, often more then once, to God to keep my Little Blessing growing and keep him healthy along with thanking him for putting me on this journey. I thanked him for allowing me to feel Jase move on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. I found my self solely relying on God to keep my baby safe. I put total faith in God to protect our little one.

Almost immediately once this little boy was born something changed in me again. I wouldn't say that I lost touch with God, but I have this overwhelming feeling that ONLY I could protect this little baby. I felt that everything I did had a HUGE effect on this little human being and I had to be perfect at taking care of him. I still prayed to God to protect him and keep him healthy, but I don't feel I was deeply believing he had ultimate control. Everything bad that wasn't going perfectly with my sweet boy, I found myself asking God why he was doing this to me, why is this SO hard. What I had to work through and remember was that God always has a plan.

What was my plan: Have a natural labor, breastfeed, not use pacifiers, baby only in our room for 3 month, make sure I give Abby a ton of attention and so on. Gods Plan: You'll be induced, You will get the joy of breasfeeding, but not for long, you'll start using pacifiers on day 3 and you'll give Abby attention, but it wont be as much, but she'll come around. Oh man was my plan way off from Gods. What I had to bring myself back to (and I'm a work in progress) is that God does have a plan, he put's you through things for a reason. He does NOTHING to hurt you but EVERYTHING to help you. So as I was going through the tough times breastfeeding brought, praying to God for help, he was leading me on his path the whole time. I was fighting this path and struggled the whole way. I struggled with what I wanted to do vs. what God had in store for me. I didn't realize everything God was doing with Jase was to make me see HE IS IN CONTROL, not me. I had to let go of what I thought perfect would be, so it really could be what our perfect was going to be.

My Plan Now: Leave it to God. When I struggle look to him for guidance and trust he is in control. I am the keeper of his child, Jase's life is already planned. His story is already written and it had been when I was praying to God a year before we found out he would be in our life. My prayers to God now are filled with thanks, filled with asking God to keep Jase safe and healthy and to help me remember he is in control.

What I see now, once I have let it all go to God is that Jase is SO healthy and SO happy. His smile is contagious and I'm so happy I get to see that smile so many times a day. I'm so thankful I get to spend my days with my little man. Yes, it's still hard, in no way is taking care of a baby easy work! Some decisions are just going to be hard to make and I may still second guess myself, but I have to remember God has my back. He is not going to lead me in a path of failure. God has used this little boy to make me a better person. I have found myself to be much more relaxed with life and to go with the flow. Before him I felt I needed to be the best at everything, doing everything right and if I wasn't I was failing somehow. Don't get me wrong, I am still a very "planned" person, but I have learned to let some things go. Every little detail is not so important, but the overall picture is what I need to look at.

A friend of mine posted this quote on Instagram and I did share on IG and Facebook, but I'll share here too!

Dear Lord,
Thank you for the blessing you have given me and my family. Thank you for giving me a awesome husband and father to Jase. I pray that you help me be the best mom & wife I can be, that you keep me on the path you have chosen. I pray Jase grows up to follow you. I pray his dad and I are a good example to him. Please let me always remember YOU are in control, not me. Thank you for allowing me to be Jase's mommy. I pray I NEVER take for granite the blessing you have given me. Let me remember the life you have given me is a perfect life for me.

Stay Tuned...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mommy Blog: oh baby poo

We made a trip to Urgent Care last night with Jase after I noticed some black spots in his stool. He is fine, but here's the story! 

I was changing Jase's diaper after some play and a pretty impressive sounding poo. Jase himself was pretty proud of it with a big smile on his face!! Now, as most of you moms probably do every time I change a diaper I glance at it to make sure all seems normal. You can tell A LOT about what's going on in babies little bodies by their diapers. Anyways, Jase's bowel movements have been a little more loose then normal the last couple of days from when we first switched him to formula, but I just associated at with maybe the weather or the travel and his schedule changeling due to that. Since he seemed to be acting his normal self and no fever I wasn't really worried. 

Well, after seeing the black spots I was a little concerned so I put a call into the advice nurse since the dr office was now closed. Side note: apparently our children, four legged and two, like to wait until the office is closed to have an issue. We have been to the Pet Ear twice for Miss Abby. Back to Jase... So the nurse asked me all sorts of questions and said everything seems normal with Jase but the black spots could possibly be blood so he wanted us to bring him in to get checked. When Scott got home from work we headed over to urgent care. After the normal routine stuff like asking more questions and taking his weight (14 pounds 3oz), temp and vitals the doctor finally came in. She asked us some more questions and did a test on the diaper. She showed us the control and what his stool did to the sheet and NO BLOOD! Phew! 

The doctor was so nice and sweet. She said we did the right thing to call and bring him in and was proud of me for noticing/checking on things like this. I point this out because as a first time mom I often feel like an idiot at the doctors office with responses they have to my questions! 

So, Jase is great and this formula is seeming to do well still! Yay! 

Stay Tuned Mommas...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Mommy Blog: On His Back

Jase has had a problem with spitting up since about two weeks of age (take not of the kid always wearing a bib). Based on his symptoms in the beginning the pediatrician said it was reflux, but I was very hesitant to give him medication for this. I did some research and found that the medication given doesn't stop the spitting up, but just helps the baby not be in so much pain when it happens. At the point when Jase's reflux was getting worse was also when he was having his tummy issues and it seemed that the pain of the reflux went away or at least was not so severe when we switched him to formula. He was seeming not to cr when he was spitting up. I really think the formula being thicker then my breastmilk helped a lot to keep it down. (Though a lot still came back up!)

I also did some more research and talked to the doctor about what we could do to help Jase not spit up so much, mostly at night. During the day it is mainly a laundry issue, but at night I would hear him cough and gag when he would spit up and that scared me and wake him up. It was recommended to keep him some what elevated. We had Jase in a newborn sleeper that came with our pack n play, so I put some towels underneath to elevate his upper body a bit and this seemed to help a little. Only problem with that was he was growing out of that fast. He was definitely not ready to sleep flat on his back in his pack n play or crib so I was crazed on finding a new solution. The doctor recommended just elevating his mattress, but Jase is not a still sleeper and I didn't want him waking himself up by moving all around (he hated the swaddle so that wasn't an option).

I had heard a lot of great things about the Fisher Price Rock N Play so I did some research on that. I really didn't want to purchase yet ANOTHER product that Jase might only use for a couple months, but I was desperate to help Jase get good rest at night and us too! After reading all the positive and negative review I decided that the Rock N Play was a good investment for our family, and eventually we will want to give Jase a sibling so it wouldn't be a totally waste if he only used it for a bit! After talking to my grandma that day about what was going on with Jase and how he was doing, she said I could purchase the Rock N Play and she would pay for it! Score! Jase has been sleeping in the Rock N Play for about month I think and he sleeps so well. I did learn fast that I do have to strap him in or he slides down through the night! Funny to see, but probably not good for his little body!!

Ok, so now onto the title of the post. I RARELY put Jase flat on his back. Really the only time he is completely flat is for a diaper change or minimal time on the play mat. I have made a system to change his diaper before he eats (unless needed other times, I don't let him just sit in a dirty diaper) to avoid him spitting up and not laying him on the play mat for at least an hour after he ate.
I did not noticed his spitting up getting better daily, but weekly I was starting to notice that he was spitting up less and less!

Just last week I thought about starting to put him on his back a little more often, trying first for nap time. He was spitting up occasionally like this but not nearly as bad as before! Now with in the last couple days I have put him on his back for nap or play time and he is doing SO well! I am such a happy mom to see that Jase's little digestive system is growing and maturing so he can do normal baby activities! I am praying this keeps up!

I am still not sure when I will make the transition to the pack n play and then crib, I used to think he'd only be in our room for 3 months, but I'm happy to see progress! I am excited to maybe start a nap time routine though in his crib during the day so he gets used to it! We'll take it one day at a time!!! :-))

Monday, July 8, 2013

Mommy Blog: Thank You Happy Home Fairy

I have officially decided to also document my journey as a mom on our blog as well as the usual family/Jase updates. I thought about starting a whole new blog, but that just seemed too time consuming... or I'm lazy!

I found such a great response from my Let's Get Personal post, though most of it was private messaged. This is part of the reason I am going to keep this going. There are clearly other women out there who have gone through what I have in some way, shape or form. I will do my best to highlight both good and bad of parenthood and hopefully portray a real picture of how life is the good and bad hard times. I can't really pin point why I feel the need to do this, but I think its because as a media society it's easy to only see the "happy" part of peoples life. Don't get me wrong, I in no way like to see people struggle, but it's nice to know there are others out there that you can relate to. For example: when you see someone post a picture of their dog who just did a cool trick and yours just had an accident in the house, you can't help but think.. REALLY!!! We're human, it's natural. What what you usually don't see is that their dog just had an accident about an hour before and thats why they're so happy the dog just did a cool trick now! (Side note, have you seen how cute my Abby is?? If you've ever met her, you know she doesn't always just sleep! Most of the time she's terrorizing something and I'm pretty sure Jase's first words will be ABBY NO!)

This post is going to be based of another momma blog I came across about two weeks ago, The Happy Home Fairy and a almost continued post of Lets Get Personal. If you are in my immediate family you probably know that I struggle with not being able to breastfeed almost daily. I try most of the time to turn to God for support and guidance, but I can't help myself to also turn to google to find ANYTHING positive about formula. I do this because before I had Jase I never researched it, I only researched breastfeeding to prepare for that. Of course I found TONS of great information on breastfeeding and almost all included SO MUCH negative on formula. Like I have said before I had it in my mind that formula was poison, this led to a lot of hurt when I had to turn to it.

Now, in todays world there are so many reasons moms turn to formula instead of breast. What I find is many women are under the assumption other women give up because it's TOO HARD and cant tough it out. I will admit, before I had Jase I was probably one of them. I was so sure I would be able to breastfeed, almost cocky about it, like why would someone choose anything different and we're made to do this. (How horrible of me to judge another mothers/family's choice). Let's think about it, do you fault the adoptive mother for giving her child formula? No you applaud her for feeding her child and giving them a better shot at life. You wouldn't dare fault her for not trying to lactate (it can be done), SHAME if you do!

What I realized after reading a post from the Happy Home Fairy titled R.I.P.P - Rest in Peace Pump, was that I was making breast milk an idol and not trusting GOD to keep Jase healthy. (see quote below). I felt the only way to be a good mom was to breast feed, (really Lindsey, there is so many other ways to be a good mom)  and honestly society didn't make me feel any better about not being able to. A lot of you may think the opposite, like you're uncomfortable feeding your baby in public (I've been there, My boobs where HUGE, Jase wouldn't latch correctly and would cry after, what seems pleasant about that?!) You also may feel like everyone around you bottle feeds. I, however, feel the opposite. I know a ton of people who breast feed. I sometimes feel like I have to explain to people why I'm pulling out a bottle instead of a boob. I also know people who feel like they have to make note that their child's bottle is filled with breast milk and not formula. Why do we feel this way? We should NEVER have to justify what we are feeding our child, we're feeding them right? It's really no one else's business.

It's so sad to me that when I search for positives on what I'm doing for my child I mainly get forums of other moms bashing women who couldn't/didn't breastfeed. The main thing that really irks me is the people who think a woman who feeds their child formula is not giving their child the best. You don't know what that person went through, you don't know what they struggled with AND you don't/didn't have it harder then them and still made it through, get off your high horse!

I am almost thrilled when I find other women who weren't able to/chose not to breastfeed and their children are thriving, smart and healthy because honestly research would tell you different!!! My mom has to remind me sometimes that she was formula fed. She will ask me "do you think there's something wrong with me?" Haha maybe a little mom, JUST KIDDING!!!

So I leave you with the MAIN THING that stuck out from The Happy Home Fairy's blog. I quote from her blog because she pretty much took the words out of my mouth:

"Our world puts a huge amount of pressure on us mamas to give our babies breast milk.  Breast is best.  Breast is best.
But is it always best?
I believe with every fiber of my being that God created breast milk to be an incredible source of nutrition for our little bundles, but I do not believe God intended for us to make an idol out of it.
An idol that says, “I can control my child’s health if I give him/her breast milk.”
An idol that makes you fear the alternative – formula.
Ultimately, after the last year of pumping and washing and sterilizing and storing and sacrificing, I can say with confidence that what it really boils down to is this -It doesn’t matter what your baby eats (breast milk or formula) because God is in control of your baby’s life/health.
God doesn’t want you walking around all anxious and stressed.  God wants you to live in freedom."
Hopefully you have clicked the link to her blog and read the entire post (it's really a good one)! If you haven't, click here.

Momma's, if you're struggling with something, let God guide you. Scott is always looking at the positive and he say's he's almost thankful Jase couldn't latch well because it got him used to the Nipple Shield, which in turn made it SO easy to take a bottle. (Gods plan all along?, Is God using me?) I also want to say a BIG THANKS to GOD for letting the person who invented formula be born, without it my little boy would have suffered!

Stay Tuned Mamma's...

Visiting the Daggett Family

When we stopped back in Fresno to pick up Abby we made a pit stop to see the Daggett Family. Jon was Scott's partner at Pearson Realty and his two little girls were the flower girls for our wedding back in September 2010. They recently moved and are renovating their new home, so it was great to catch up and see all thats going on! 

Apparently we didn't convince Jon to hold Jase!!!

Jill, Addison and Jase
Emmy & Jase
Addison & Jase
Jill & Jase
Abby made herself at home!
Stay Tuned...

Lake Trip

Every summer Scott's family goes to Lake Nacimiento by the Central Coast. The trip usually falls around Fourth of July and Scott and I are able to spend a couple days there with family. This year we got to spend a WHOLE WEEK! Scott Aunt & Uncle built a house there a couple years ago and it's so nice to have such a wonderful place to stay.

This year, of course, was a little different from the past years because we had Jase with us! Normally we spend most of the day at the dock, but this year I only went down twice and spend the rest of the day with Jase at the house. Hard to complain though when the house you're staying at is so beautiful and has a great view! I did however make it out on the Jet Ski for a bit (until my tailbone started to hurt). It was nice to get out on the water and be in the sun.

My brother and mom also stopped by one day to see Jase! I am terrible and did not take any pictures while they were there. Jason went out on the boat while mom stayed up at the house and played with Jase!

It was great to get away and spend time with family and also not a bad deal to have extra hands for Jase! It definitely gets a little overwhelming at times when I'm by myself up in Elk Grove, so grown up time was GREAT! I think I enjoyed an adult beverage every night! I am so proud of how Jase did up there as well. I wasn't TOO concerned since he has traveled since 5 weeks old, but this was the longest he's been away from home. He was also a trouper considering we are pretty sure he's teething a little!

We also need to say THANK YOU to Ashley for giving up her room so we had a place to keep Jase when he was sleeping. It was so nice of her to do that, and it definitely helped Jase get much needed rest (and us too!)

Here are some A LOT pictures to enjoy!

Scott & Jase
Jase did NOT like his hat 
What a GREAT looking guy
Who wouldn't love this view
Playing KanJam 

Auntie Melissa on duty
Cousin Ashley with Jase 
Jase & Daddy
You're a natural Ash 

Tough Life 
Me and my baby 
Passed Out
Trying the water
Not going so well, he prefers his bath! 
Redneck baby!!! LOL
Ashley and Bella walking with Jase
A meal on the dock
He is SO strong. I am only holding him with one hand in this picture!
Trying again! You can't see, but he is crying! 
Nap Time 
Austin & Bella enjoying the view - smart doggies
He's so Handsome 
Practicing our sit ups - he LOVES doing this!
So proud of Brian!
Family Picture

Stayed Tuned...