Monday, August 11, 2014

Lake Trip to Lake Nacimiento

The annual lake trip to Lake Nacimiento with Scott's family happens every year around the 4th of July. It's always a vacation we look forward to as its time spent with family and mostly away from day to day life. I mean really, who doesn't want to spend a week at the lake?

This lake trip. for me, was much more relaxing then last year. Last year Jase was only 3 months old and I was still in "new" mommy mode and worried about Jase the whole time. This year looked A LOT different. Jase was almost never in my arms (unless of course he needed his mommy). I took FULL advantage of having help around to tend to Jase. 

The lake itself was pretty sad looking this year and definitely showed how serious the drought in California is. Take a look at last year here. Even though we were not able to hang out at the dock like usual (there was no water for it to float) we made the best of going out on the boat a couple of times, I even surfed this year! We also got to enjoy some tubing on the new tub Scott's dad bought to go with the new boat (really I think I may have been the only one who actually enjoyed it). 

Jase seemed to like the boat best when it was moving and HATED the life jacket. He spent some time in the lake in his floaty splashing around and was the first to spill in the new boat (don't worry it was only goldfish). Overall a great vacation! 

give him a bag and he's happy
watching Frozen

Stay Tuned...

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