Thursday, August 14, 2014

Bow Shooting with DAD

With hunting season quickly approaching (as in this weekend) Scott wanted to go shoot his bow to make sure his shoulder could take it. Originally Scott was just going to take Jase and let me have a break, but I decided Scott could be much more productive if I went. I'm glad I did, it was a perfect time to snap some pictures of Jase with the setting sun and open land.

Jase was able to run freely and also got to see some horses. This kid has NO FEAR, he ran up to the horse and did not hesitate to touch it! He said WOW a million times and every little thing he saw, including the ceiling fans.

Saying Hello to the Moaky
My Serious Guy 
Getting Dirty 
Keeping and Eye on Dad 
Petting Moaky
Beautiful Night
Stay Tuned...

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