Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Knight Family Visits

For a couple of years now the Knight Family has made it a tradition to come and visit us during the summer. When the weather starts to warm up, I start looking forward to when they tell us the week they plan on coming! I feel like we're blessed and get to see them a couple times a year due to the fact that they live down the street from my mom, but it's something much more special when they get to stay a couple of days! This trip was a super fun one! It was great to have Jase a little older (last year he was 6 weeks old) so he could play with Lucy a little and have Ben who is super close in age to Jase. 

This trip we enjoyed some time at Farmers Market, the boys golfed, girls got mani/pedi's and we had some good catching up time. I love this little tradition we have continued to do and look forward to it every year! 

Lucy and Jase at Farmers Market
Bath Fun
Lucy LOVES Scott
Reading to Jase
Splash Pad Fun

Ben practicing his modeling

Stay Tuned...

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