SHE'S HERE! I could scream it from the rooftops that I'm not pregnant anymore and have a beautiful baby girl to show for it! Man, those last weeks were ruff and I'm sure I thought, or may have even said aloud, that I'd be pregnant forever! But alas, pregnancy does come to and end and a baby is a result that is well worth it all. Here is Adison's birth story:
At my 39 week appointment my doctor checked me to see if I had progressed at all from last appointment (where I was
ZERO everything) and to see if I was a favorable candidate to be induced either a couple days before my due date or on my due date. We were both hoping I was as they didn't want me going over by more then a day or two due to having gestational diabetes and given my history, I felt better about having her out at this point if she was ready. Well, all the hoping, wishing, praying, walking, on and off contractions and dare I say on this family blog,
sex, worked. I had gone from
ZERO everything to 2 centimeter dilated and 50% effaced. My doctor said I could be induced and we made a date for when she was on call. Friday, October 16th was D-Day. We were all set to arrive at the hospital at 6AM that day and get baby Adison out of me! Having a date really helped the next couple of days go by, until I would have contractions and then all I wanted was it to be
THE DAY already!
On Thursday night I went to bed hoping I'd be able to get some rest for the next day. I fell asleep pretty quick, but woke up around midnight (like I had been for about 2-3 weeks) contracting. This would usually last about 1-2 hours and go away. So, I sat in bed, turned the TV and was ready to ride it out until I could fall asleep again, well, that didn't happen. The pain from the contractions was getting worse and these were very much timbale, happening every 5-7 minutes like clockwork.
Apparently Adison wanted it to be her idea to come on the 16th. I got out of bed, walked around, bounced on my exercise ball and kept breathing through the contractions. Around 4 AM I got in the shower to try and ease some of the pain a bit until I needed to get dressed and head to the hospital for our induction time. I literally stayed in the shower through Scott showering and told him to get me out when I had about 15 minutes until we needed to leave. Once I was dressed I tried to eat some plain Cheerios to have a little food in my system, but I just wasn't feeling good, so we got in the car and off to the hospital we went.
We got all checked in, I got hooked up to the monitors which showed I was contracting still 5-7 minutes apart and the nursed checked my dilation... 4 centimeters and 70/80 % effaced! Woohoo. Almost half way there already! I knew I'd want an epidural once hooked to the pitocin, so they got that on order and I got on the list (it was a busy morning at the labor and delivery ward that day). I was hooked up to the pitocin by 7AM to get my contractions closer together and was left alone with just Scott and I to labor until the epidural came. The pain, obviously with the meds, became much stronger and contractions were about 3-4 minutes apart. Scott has fun telling me when they were coming on, peaking, and slowing down... like I couldn't figure that out on my own!!!
He also did this with Jase's birth.
The anesthesiologist came in finally and I was ready to get poked. Once that was all settled in I was ready to relax a bit, I had been up since midnight laboring and a nap sounded nice (though I never got one). My doctor arrived around 11AM to check me a see how much I had progressed. Only a centimeter.. Really, a couple of hours and ONE measly centimeter! I was a little discouraged, but that's OK it was still early. Around 1PM I was starting to feel pain again so the nurse ordered for more meds to help a bit. It seems where Adi was hanging out on my left side I could feel my contractions and her pushing on my ribs. More meds helped until my Doctor came back around 2PM and broke my water. I knew from Jases birth that labor got more intense once my water broke, so at least I was prepared. This part of labor went FAST!
Our nurse hung out with us after my water was broke and we chit chatted and she watched the monitors to make sure Adison's heart rate didn't drop, which it did twice from this point until she came out (FYI hearing the monitor beep slow is a scary sound). Around 3:30PM I started shaking and feeling my contractions again, likely transition. The nurse checked me and I was at 8 centimeters. The shaking stopped and my doctor arrive back at the room around 4PM. I was complete, 10 cementers and ready to push.
Now, I pushed with Jase for 2.5 hours, so I was sort of prepared for that but hoping for 30 minutes or less, I mentioned this to my doctor as if she had control over this, lol. Shortly after 4:10PM I started pushing and at 4:19PM (after 3 pushes and
NO tearing or cuts) Adison Emily made her debut! She was handed to me, I had to tell Scott to grab the camera
(he was shocked she popped out so fast he wasn't prepared) and Scott got some pictures before they had to take her and make sure they suctioned her good due to her having a bowel movement inside me.
The nurses did what they needed as far as weighing and measuring and she was back on my chest quickly. Addison quickly started nursing and stayed attached to me for her first 3 hours of life. It was pretty great! The overall labor and birth was great. Adison was born at 4:19PM on October 16th, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces and 19 inches long.
We are all pretty obsessed with her, even big brother Jase!
Clearly between a contraction! |
She's OUT!! |
My Doctor and me.. Happy tears and relief! |
No Pictures Please |
Thanks for coming out of me Adison! |
Adison helped mommy pick out a gift for Big Brother! |
<3 |
Jase got Blaze! |
Here mom, I got her.. |
Happy Family. Addison is in the blanket somewhere. |
She wasn't a fan of the poking and prodding. Adison had her sugars checked 4 times before we left. |
Foot |
Bath Time |
Grandma T |
Grandma A - Comparing Adison to a picture of Jase |
Like Father, Like Daughter |
Our Sweet - Timothy help pick a perfect little girl for our family |
Going Home |
Jase holding sister! |
Stay Tuned...
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