Saturday, October 3, 2015


Last October changed both my husbands and my world forever. Last October I was dreading this October. Last October changed the way I felt about Fall time and everything I loved about it, I soon came to hate. Last October we said Hello and Goodbye to our sweet Timothy all too soon. Last October I put my faith completely in my Heavenly Father and THIS October is one I'm now looking forward to.

This October we are expecting Adison to arrive, if close to her due date, a week-ish before Timothy's 1st birthday. This October I have hope. This October I am looking forward to the Holidays. This October I am looking forward to holding a baby that I get to take home with me. This October we will celebrate Timothy's Birthday with a new life. This October will be a happy one.

God is so good and so faithful and we can't wait for October.

Stay Tuned...

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