Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

 This year Thanksgiving was low key. Adison was still sick so having just a few people around was nice, even though we missed my brothers and Scotts family. Jase really enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner this year. Really if you give the kid any meat bone, he's pretty much a happy camper! Jase even got to help with making dinner by helping Papa Jerry mash the yams! Now we can't wait for Christmas!

Abby... always posing for the Camera 
Four Generations
Abby got up on her own.. How we got a picture with ALL the kids, I don't know!  
Shoulder rides! 
Helping make dinner 
The two that are always cold
I mean, who wouldn't be excited to eat?! 
It's baby code that when mom sits to eat, we must need to be held!

Stay Tuned...

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