Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

Our good friends Chris and Brittany were in town this weekend so we all decided to go to a pumpkin patch together on Saturday. There is a local winery that does a pumpkin patch that Brittany used to go to as a kid, so we decided on the one. It was a beautiful day and a fun time with the kids. It was so fun to see Grace (their baby girl) who is the same age as Jase was last year do similar things that Jase did last year at the pumpkin patch, mainly be obsessed with the hay! This year Jase had a great time running around, "playing" Bocci Ball with the boys and kissing Grace!

We didn't get any pumpkins unfortunately, but we're planning on going to a pumpkin patch again soon to pick out some good pumpkins!

Playing around 
Trying to get some pictures
Baby Convos 
Grace: Jase have you seen this hay? 
Giving Kisses
Family Photo
Too Funny 
My Pumpkin
Wagon Rides
Stay Tuned...

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