Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Jase: 10 Months

Oh my, Jase is two months away from ONE!!! How on earth has this happened so fast?! I am currently working on his first birthday party and somehow I just still can't wrap my mind around his turning ONE. He is currently wearing 12 month size clothes and quickly growing out of them. He is crawling fast, pulling up, standing on furniture and letting go already! He loves going on walks and is still addicted to puffs. Along with his diet of puffs, he enjoys eating whatever mommy or daddy has on their plate, his favorite being eggs.

Since we LOVE this little boy so much, I decided to do his 10 month pictures in a Valentine theme!

Still obsessed with ceiling fans!

Abby wanted to join 

Petting Abby
Trying to Play
Abby didn't want to play... so Jase cried!
Stay Tuned...

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