Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas

Scott and I had a great Christmas with family. We had Christmas Eve dinner with my family at Elbow Room and then headed over to Scott's parents house to hang out after. Christmas day stated at my grandmas house with breakfast and then we celebrated with Scott's family in the afternoon and ate dinner.

This year especially Scott and I are feeling pretty blessed and thankful for what we have. Our Baby Boy is already spoiled, we received so many great gifts and clothes.

Passing out gifts at my grandmas

Mom, Matt and Zulma patiently waiting to open gifts

Grandma & Jason

Some of Baby Boy's new clothes

Miss Abby

Kisses from Jake

Lisa, Doug and Ashley passing out gifts at the Bozzo's

Ash was ready for the picture, Tom not so much

Abby's new cousin Zoey

Ann showing off her new watch

Self Portrait!! 24 Weeks
Stay Tunes...

Monday, December 10, 2012

22 Weeks & Christmas in the Air

Can you believe we are 22 Weeks already?! I feel like this pregnancy is going by so fast, but at the same time April can not come soon enough! Also still can't believe we will be in 2013 in 3 weeks. Crazy.

I am lucky that I haven't been sick a whole lot during the entire pregnancy but man oh man can I sleep all day! My apps for pregnancy tell me that this is supposed to be the "honeymoon" period of pregnancy, I think they're wrong! Along with being sleepy, I have been feeling/seeing kicks like crazy for the last two weeks and trying to catch some on video, but it seems little man is already shy. Scott is also able to feel them when he gets his hand on my belly fast enough! Baby Boy is most active between 2AM-4AM (Scott tells me this is because he wants to go hunting with him). He also seems to like it when I eat :-).

Abby and I have also been busy decorating for Christmas! Abby is a great helper with telling what decorating should not go on the tree! HA!

Bare Tree

My Little Helper

The Decor


How I was able to get this picture, I still don't know!


Dog, Snowman and Penguin 

AND Baby Boy 22 Weeks! 
Hope Everyone is Having a GREAT DECEMBER!

Stay Tuned...