Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Our pediatrician gave us the go ahead to start Jase on solids at his 4 month check up and we were excited! He had been very interested in what we eat for a couple weeks before he hit 4 months, has great head control and was eating more ounces per day, which are a few of the "signs of being ready".

I was weary to start Jase on rice because it really has not much nutritional value, but the doctor wanted us to start him on rice since its the most bland and easiest to introduce. She said it will take him a couple of days to get the hang of it and we'd still be giving him a bottle so he wouldn't be missing out on any nutrition, so that's what we did! After all, she's the doctor and probably knows more about this stuff then I do!

The first night he probably took maybe 5 bites and was over it. The next night he took a couple more bites. Well that was almost 3 weeks ago and I'm happy to say he does great now! He eats his entire (little) bowl and takes a smaller bottle after! Just a couple days ago I introduced oatmeal and he seems to like that too! Next will be "real" food: and avocado! I may be sharing that one with him!

I plan on making most of his food fresh, but I'm sure buying food will be more convenient sometimes. Especially when we add more meals or may be out and about. Hopefully though, when we're home, I'll be giving him fresh stuff!

I'm sorry Jase, but this is TOO funny

Stay Tuned...

Jase is Sitting & More

Well, kind of! He will not sit up on his own but if we sit him up he'll stay for a bit and LOVES the view!

Abby is much more interested in Jase lately!
Jase also loves playing in his exersaucer lately! I think since he can focus more on specific things it keeps his interest longer and doesn't overwhelm him as quickly. I can set him in it and go do things like dishes, go to the bathroom or play with Abby and know he's not going anywhere and having a great time!

Watching TV

This is his "I'm done, come get me" Face!
He has also mastered rolling from back to tummy all by himself! I was thinking for a while he just wasn't that interested in rolling. We would put him on his tummy and practice (he had great strength to roll), but just no interest in doing so. Well, yesterday he was on his play mat on his back, I walked into the kitchen and came back to Jase on his tummy! He has since been constantly rolling back to tummy! He still doesn't seem interested to roll tummy to back yet which is supposed to come first.

Abby showing Jase how to roll
Overall Jase is still not the greatest at playing by himself, but he gets better daily. He will play on his play mat for about 5 minutes before he realizes I'm not right next to him and fusses. So I will have to go lay by him and play, not that I'm complaining about that! Who doesn't like to play!

I can't believe Jase is going to be 5 Months next week! We also started Jase on Solids, if you want to see how that is going click here!

Stay Tuned...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Baby Clothes

Baby Clothes, what is it about them that can make you SO excited and then SO sad? Confused? Let me explain. When I was pregnant I LOVED buying baby cloths for Jase and couldn't wait for him to be able to wear them, (who am I kidding, I still do) but now I find myself so sad when I have to pack them up when he grows out of them. 

Last week I could not sleep so I went into Jase's room and started to organize the pile of clothes that he doesn't fit in anymore. I found myself examining/smelling/hugging each piece as I folded it and put it in a basket. Examining the size and somehow not remembering him being that tiny. How did he ever fit in some of these outfits! I found myself sobbing about it, wishing my little baby back and remembering when he was that tiny I was wishing for him to be bigger. Ironic huh? People always told me the time will go fast and to hold onto every moment as it won't last forever, so true. 

In Jase's room that night with the pile of cloths I just sat and thought about everything Jase is doing now like babbling, grabbing toys, making faces, smiling at me and crying to be held. I don't ever want to forget these moments. Somedays I know I feel so tired and think what have I gotten myself into, (let's face it, every parent has that thought cross their mind at some point, if you didn't I'd say you're the crazy one) but I try to remember these times will be gone far too fast and it's almost certain I will want them back! 

A friend reminded me of the saying "babies don't keep" and that is something I remind myself of daily now. 

So, I keep these times close at heart knowing one day he'll be grown and not need me so much and I will only have memories (and a billion pictures) left of my sweet boy as a baby.

Stay tuned...

Friday, August 9, 2013

Jase: Photo Shoot & 4 Month Check Up

Jase had his 4 month check up this morning and that means SHOTS! At his two month appointment he did great with the shots, it was later that night that he cried for 3 hours straight! Needless to say I was not really looking forward to that part of the appointment. I was, however, looking forward to seeing how much he has grown. I am sure like all parents, you know they're growing and can feel them get heavier, but we see them everyday so sometimes it's hard to "see". 

Well I'm happy to say this appointment went great! He took his shots like a little champ and only cried for one of the two! PROUD MOMMA! He is currently doing good, but I am prepared this time for a possible fussy baby later, so I have my baby Tylenol ready!!

The doctor also said we can starts solids with Jase as he is showing signs of being developmentally ready! Oh Fun! We are going to start with cereal and go from there! Yea for exploring new things, I'm sure we'll get some great pictures to share. 

Jase's Stats

Hight: 25 3/4 inches - 80th Percentile 
Weight: 15 Pounds 9.8 Ounces - 50th Percentile
Head: 43 Centimeters - 85th Percentile

I know not to read into the percentiles TOO much, but I do like to know how he's growing compared to other babies! I am VERY happy that he is staying consistent for him as his percentiles have never varied much either way. 

Yesterday Jase was being very photogenic so we decided to do a little photos shoot. I think we got a couple Great Pictures! Enjoy.

Stay Tuned...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mommy Blog: Fisher Price Snuggle Bunny Swing

I thought I would write a review on this swing since I am certain it is what helps keep my sanity some days!

Before we had Jase I would say it was about 50/50 if people liked having a swing for baby or not. Since we plan on having more than one child I thought it would be a good investment. No big deal if Jase didn't like it, based on my research asking other parents, the next child probably would or vice versus. Well, Jase LOVES his swing and its often the only place he will take a nap for more then 15 minutes at a time during the day. The only thing I hate about it is it's not that portable.

Since we have traveled a lot since Jase was born I have noticed that he is a horrible nap-er when we're not at home or in the car. He naps for maybe 20 minutes a time and usually ends up pretty cranky demanding during the day. I also find he doesn't sleep as well at night when he doesn't get his normal naps in. Today I think he is catching up on sleep. He slept 2 hours this morning in his swing and another hour in the afternoon. This is why I am able to catch up on blogging!

So, overall I LOVE this swing. It plugs into the wall so no batteries needed, but has capability to run on batteries if necessary. It does come apart/collapse easily for storage and if you're not packing a million things will fit in the car. It is definitely not the least expensive option on the market, but in my opinion, worth the money. And hey, thats what Amazon is for!!

Stay Tuned Mommas...

Mommy Blog: Encouragement

I came across this online from an anonymous poster and thought I would share. :-) Enjoy!

To the mom who's breastfeeding: What to go! it really is an amazing gift to give your baby, for any amount of time that you can manage! You're a good mom.

To the mom who's formula feeding: isn't science amazing? To think there was a time when a baby with a mother who couldn't prodcue enough would suffer, but now? Bett..er living through chemistry. You're a good mom.

To the cloth diapering mom: fluffy bums are the cutest, and so friendly on the bank account. You're a good mom.

To the disposable diapering mom: Damn those things hold a lot, and it's excellent to not worry about leakage and laundry. You're a good mom.

To the mom who stays home: I can imagine it isn't easy doing what you do, but to spend those precious years with your babies must be amazing. You're a good mom.

To the mom who works: It's wonderful that you're sticking to your career, you're a positive role model for your children in so many ways, it's fantastic. You're a good mom.

To the mom who had to feed her kids from the drive thru all week because you're too worn out to cook or go grocery shopping. You're feeding your kids, and hey, I bet they aren't complaining! Sometimes sanity can indeed be found in a red box with a big yellow M on it, You're a good mom.

To the mom who gave her kids a home cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner for the past week: Excellent! Good nutrition is important and they're learning to enjoy healthy food at an early age, a boon for they rest of their lives, You're a good mom.

To the mom who's kids are sitting quietly and using their manners in the fancy resturant: Kudos, it takes a lot to maintain order with children in a place where they can't run around. You're a good mom.

To the mom with the toddler having a meltdown in the cereal isle: they always seem to pick the most embarrassing places to lose their minds don't they? We've all been through it. You're a good mom.

Stay Tuned Mamas...

Jase: 4 Months


How do I have a 4 month old? And how is my 4 month old wearing 6 month clothes!?!? It seems like just yesterday I was staring at a positive pregnancy test! It's so amazing to see how much Jase grows and changes everyday. Time needs to slow down! We are blessed with such a happy boy! I will have updates on his stats later this week when we have his Dr. Appointment. Can't wait to see how much he weighs and how tall he is! We Love You Sweet Boy.

Stay Tuned...

Auntie Dee

It saddens me to write this post even though I knew my aunt passing was going to happen sooner or later. Uncle left us a couple years back and I'm proud of Auntie for staying as long as she did. Earlier in July she had a stroke and at the age of 92 it's something hard to overcome, especially when you know resting would allow you to see your husband again.

Since we moved up to Elk Grove it was harder to see auntie a much as we used to, but I am happy she got to see me pregnant with Jase and know she would have a Great, Great Nephew. There is so much I remember about auntie and uncle and somethings they only told me about since I was too young to remember. What I remember most is going to Aptos as a kid. Mostly I remember Uncle driving me from Fresno to see Auntie and spend a week there. She would always remind me that when I was born she had to leave Aptos and come to HOT Fresno to see me, but I was worth it. It seems ironic that she would also pass away on this same day. I guess it's something I wont ever forget.

I wont go on and on about everything about Auntie, but she was a big part of my life for my entire life so far. She was the oldest of her sibling and was always watching over her younger brothers, it makes sense she would be the last to go. We love you auntie. I know your with Uncle and can see all your brothers again. Give them all my love and a big kiss to Grandpa. Check in on us from time to time. Until we see you again...

Stay Tuned...

Coast Trip to Visit Mom

Scott and I had been wanting to go visit my mom in Grover Beach for a while, but with our busy schedules it was hard to find a good week to go. We finally found a weekend that would work great and allow me to stay with my mom the whole week. It was also great that it was also my Birthday Week!

I had only made the trip once before this when I was pregnant but I remembered it being about 4.5-5 hours. I knew with Jase we'd probably have to stop along the way, but we still did our normal feed Jase and get in the car routine. Jase amazingly made it from Lodi to Atascadero!!! I was shocked and kind of happy he woke up hungry because I was also hungry. The stop was welcome even if it was only 30 minutes from our destination!

Pit Stop to Feed Jase
Abby the Traveler
Anyways, We made it safely to my moms house just in time to put Jase to bed. Scott stayed the weekend and went back home Sunday to work for the week and met me back in Fresno with my mom. I had plans to stay the entire week at the coast, take Jase to the beach and such, but we had to come back to Fresno early due to my aunt passing. (I will be doing a separate post about that). We did, however have a great time while we were there and also got to celebrate my 27th Birthday! 

Bed Time 
My mom was babysitting this little cutie, Bella
Scott's thrilled about what's going on here

Abby enjoying the view
Daddy & Jase
Need a Hand Dad? 
Adorable, Just Adorable
Yea, this too!!!
Just a little play before a nap
Passed Out
Sun Bathing
Jase has been laughing on and off for about 2 weeks give or take, but we finally heard a deep belly chuckle at the coast all thanks to a dog named Bubu. The pictures below show what Jase was looking at and you can see his beautiful smiles too! Bubu was basically rubby his face on the bed and Jase thought it was THE BEST thing ever! 

My parents decided to celebrate my birthday and my bothers girlfriend, Zulma's, birthday while the whole family was together. It was nice to have everyone around and also see some of my friends. 

Daddy and Jase
Everyone at Dinner 
Matt got us a cake!
Blowing out our candles 
Birthday Girls
Matt with the Birthday Girls
I'm so mad at myself for not taking any picture of my night with Dana and Megan. We made a yummy dinner and had some good girl chat! Even though the Coast Trip was cut a little short we had a great time. And it wasn't so bad that we went to fresno a little earlier then expected since I got to see people there too!

Stay Tuned...