Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Baby Clothes

Baby Clothes, what is it about them that can make you SO excited and then SO sad? Confused? Let me explain. When I was pregnant I LOVED buying baby cloths for Jase and couldn't wait for him to be able to wear them, (who am I kidding, I still do) but now I find myself so sad when I have to pack them up when he grows out of them. 

Last week I could not sleep so I went into Jase's room and started to organize the pile of clothes that he doesn't fit in anymore. I found myself examining/smelling/hugging each piece as I folded it and put it in a basket. Examining the size and somehow not remembering him being that tiny. How did he ever fit in some of these outfits! I found myself sobbing about it, wishing my little baby back and remembering when he was that tiny I was wishing for him to be bigger. Ironic huh? People always told me the time will go fast and to hold onto every moment as it won't last forever, so true. 

In Jase's room that night with the pile of cloths I just sat and thought about everything Jase is doing now like babbling, grabbing toys, making faces, smiling at me and crying to be held. I don't ever want to forget these moments. Somedays I know I feel so tired and think what have I gotten myself into, (let's face it, every parent has that thought cross their mind at some point, if you didn't I'd say you're the crazy one) but I try to remember these times will be gone far too fast and it's almost certain I will want them back! 

A friend reminded me of the saying "babies don't keep" and that is something I remind myself of daily now. 

So, I keep these times close at heart knowing one day he'll be grown and not need me so much and I will only have memories (and a billion pictures) left of my sweet boy as a baby.

Stay tuned...

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