Monday, July 8, 2013

Lake Trip

Every summer Scott's family goes to Lake Nacimiento by the Central Coast. The trip usually falls around Fourth of July and Scott and I are able to spend a couple days there with family. This year we got to spend a WHOLE WEEK! Scott Aunt & Uncle built a house there a couple years ago and it's so nice to have such a wonderful place to stay.

This year, of course, was a little different from the past years because we had Jase with us! Normally we spend most of the day at the dock, but this year I only went down twice and spend the rest of the day with Jase at the house. Hard to complain though when the house you're staying at is so beautiful and has a great view! I did however make it out on the Jet Ski for a bit (until my tailbone started to hurt). It was nice to get out on the water and be in the sun.

My brother and mom also stopped by one day to see Jase! I am terrible and did not take any pictures while they were there. Jason went out on the boat while mom stayed up at the house and played with Jase!

It was great to get away and spend time with family and also not a bad deal to have extra hands for Jase! It definitely gets a little overwhelming at times when I'm by myself up in Elk Grove, so grown up time was GREAT! I think I enjoyed an adult beverage every night! I am so proud of how Jase did up there as well. I wasn't TOO concerned since he has traveled since 5 weeks old, but this was the longest he's been away from home. He was also a trouper considering we are pretty sure he's teething a little!

We also need to say THANK YOU to Ashley for giving up her room so we had a place to keep Jase when he was sleeping. It was so nice of her to do that, and it definitely helped Jase get much needed rest (and us too!)

Here are some A LOT pictures to enjoy!

Scott & Jase
Jase did NOT like his hat 
What a GREAT looking guy
Who wouldn't love this view
Playing KanJam 

Auntie Melissa on duty
Cousin Ashley with Jase 
Jase & Daddy
You're a natural Ash 

Tough Life 
Me and my baby 
Passed Out
Trying the water
Not going so well, he prefers his bath! 
Redneck baby!!! LOL
Ashley and Bella walking with Jase
A meal on the dock
He is SO strong. I am only holding him with one hand in this picture!
Trying again! You can't see, but he is crying! 
Nap Time 
Austin & Bella enjoying the view - smart doggies
He's so Handsome 
Practicing our sit ups - he LOVES doing this!
So proud of Brian!
Family Picture

Stayed Tuned...

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