Friday, July 19, 2013

Jase is 15 Weeks Old

Like every parent says, I can't believe how FAST time is going!!! I find myself, often, looking at pictures of Jase in the hospital and the first couple of weeks and can't believe how much he's changing everyday. He is such a blessing in our lives and it's hard to remember life without him.

Jase has been learning so many new things lately:

  • grabbing at toys and holding onto them on purpose - It's amazing to see him holding a toy and just examining it so intently
  • getting good at pulling his pacifier out and on occasion getting it back in
  • enjoying tummy time a little more then he used to now that he can put weight on his arms
  • loves his bottle and tries to hold it, instead of just randomly hit it
  • loves diaper changes unless he's really hungry
  • watches Abby more intently 
  • new thing just this week: starting to do a high pitch scream when he's excited. It's not every time, but its oh so cute!
  • still LOVES his swing
  • sitting up in his bouncer - must be strapped in at all times now- wont last much longer
  • sits up with some assistance
  • stands with some assistants - he actually really loves to stand!!!
  • likes to play airplane
  • putting everything in his mouth
It's so great to watch this little boy grow! On the day he turned 15 weeks old he was a extra happy boy so we did a photo shoot! Enjoy!

Stay Tuned...

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