Monday, April 4, 2016


This blog is just a bit late being Christmas was four months ago, oops!

Christmas was very exciting this year, our family went from one baby to THREE with Adison and cousin Emilia! This was also the first Christmas I think Jase actually understood. We're still trying to help him understand that Christmas is about celebrating Jesus birth and also still including Santa too. I hope as he grows we help him understand why we celebrate this day. 

With that said, this Christmas was just fun all around. Jase got to see both sets of grandparents, the GG's and his uncle Mark and Auntie Melissa and hang out with his cousin Emilia. He loved opening gifts and was super excited to see the yellow race car he asked Santa to bring him. All in all a great holiday! 

Christmas Eve Dinner Prep
Putting out (read Eating) Cookies for Santa  
Santa Came
Christmas Morning

Helping Adi open gifts

Sleeping Baby 
Sleeping Puppy

Stay Tuned...

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