Monday, December 30, 2013

Jase: First Christmas

Our family had a WONDERFUL Christmas celebrating with Jase this year. By far THE BEST Christmas I've had. I can't believe how much as happened in a month. We bought a house (there will be a blog about that later), moved and hosted Christmas.

My mom and dad came up before Christmas to help with the house and watch Jase. With my mom on Jase duty I was able to decorate for Christmas and get everything ready for guests. Scotts Family & the grandmas came up Christmas Eve; it was so nice to have a big family dinner together. We did miss my brothers this year though.

Of course Jase coaxed the grandmas into letting him open a gift Christmas Eve. I think he was much more interested in all the wrapping then what was under the wrapping. We had such a great time watching him open gifts. I know he didn't understand Christmas this year, but still fun to watch. I'm still unsure about Scott, but I know I had a great time playing Santa. Our first, of many, years staying up and putting toys together!

Christmas Eve
Scott and I putting together Santa's gift
As you can probably tell from the picture above, I was doing it wrong. Uncle Mark stepped in and saved the night! Of course with the help of the onlooking grandmas and great grandmas!
The Tree
The Fireplace 
Christmas Morning 
Daddy and Jase
Mommy and Jase
Mr. Hollywood
Unsure what he should be doing 
Loves his books!
mmm. puffs. *he's addicted*
Jases pile
My baby playing by the tree
We are so thankful we got to spend Jases First Christmas with family. We are blessed.

Stay Tuned...

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