Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Brittany's Fresno Bridal Shower

This last weekend Scott, Abby, Jase and I headed back to fresno for Brittany's Bridal Shower. My mother in law, Ann, was gracious enough to open her home and host a beautiful shower for Brittany! Hosting a shower is always a ton of work, but it turned out beautifully. Now we wait for the wedding!!!

Sign Made by Yours Truly (Love Pinterest)
Advice for Brittany
Shadow Box Frame made with Chris & Britt's Engagement Pics (Another Pinterest Idea) 
Hopefully a nice addition to their home
Jase also had some visitors! Adrienne stopped by and so did Brandon & Whitney! It's so great/amazing to see how much a baby can bring friends and family together!

Adrienne and Jase 
Brandon, Whitney and Jase
Stay Tuned...

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