Friday, March 15, 2013

THREE Weeks Left Until Baby

Scott and I had a doctors appointment yesterday to see baby Jase. He is measuring 6 pounds 1 ounce and his head is down, So ready anytime! We also had our second birthing class last night. We learning how to manage pain while in labor through all the different stages. Since I am going to attempt a drug free birth this is useful info! It will also help either way since if I do decide on drugs it will be later in the game so I'll have to deal with some pain! Next week we learn about drug options for pain, so after that we should be prepared!

I did have some light contractions or tightening later yesterday, along with some flu like symptoms so I thought it could be the start of something, BUT nothing throughout the night or today yet. So I guess Jase and my body are just practicing! Side note: Scott still hasn't packed his bag, denial maybe?!

We have our next appointment Wednesday, can't wait to see if I have progressed any. As much as I want to keep baby growing and getting whatever he needs from me in the womb, I wouldn't be too upset if he came at anytime now!

Unfortunately this time we did not get a picture, due to Jase covering his face with BOTH hands. He was not into having his picture taken yesterday! Hopefully next time!

Stay Tuned...

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