Wednesday, March 27, 2013

No Baby Yet

Well today's doctors appointment was uneventful. My body has not progressed since last time, but Jase is fully ready and engaged. So we wait for my body to do something. Next appointment is Monday, if my body is ready the doctor will induce me sometime next week. So now we just wait to see what happens.

Stay Tuned...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

38 Weeks & Right on Schedule

We, or I, was hoping to hear that Baby Jase was ready to be out now, but it looks like he's right on schedule! At least it's good to know my body is doing what it needs to prepare. I am, however, a little worried about labor pain now after just the examination. Holy crap that alone was pretty uncomfortable, though I'm sure the faces I was making were at least entertaining for Scott!

So Scott thinks if the baby takes after him he'll be here right on time and be here April 4th, but if he takes after his momma he'll be here the 3rd at 11:30pm! Haha.

We did get a half face picture today, Jase was still being shy!

Stay Tuned...

Friday, March 15, 2013

THREE Weeks Left Until Baby

Scott and I had a doctors appointment yesterday to see baby Jase. He is measuring 6 pounds 1 ounce and his head is down, So ready anytime! We also had our second birthing class last night. We learning how to manage pain while in labor through all the different stages. Since I am going to attempt a drug free birth this is useful info! It will also help either way since if I do decide on drugs it will be later in the game so I'll have to deal with some pain! Next week we learn about drug options for pain, so after that we should be prepared!

I did have some light contractions or tightening later yesterday, along with some flu like symptoms so I thought it could be the start of something, BUT nothing throughout the night or today yet. So I guess Jase and my body are just practicing! Side note: Scott still hasn't packed his bag, denial maybe?!

We have our next appointment Wednesday, can't wait to see if I have progressed any. As much as I want to keep baby growing and getting whatever he needs from me in the womb, I wouldn't be too upset if he came at anytime now!

Unfortunately this time we did not get a picture, due to Jase covering his face with BOTH hands. He was not into having his picture taken yesterday! Hopefully next time!

Stay Tuned...

Friday, March 8, 2013

36 Weeks & Nursery is DONE!!!

Sigh... there has been A LOT going on lately! February was a BUSY month, and seems March is panning out to be the same! Can't complain though, it is making the time fly by. We have a lot on the schedule for March baby related. We started our Birthing Classes last night, had our car seat checked this morning and have a breast feeding class in two weeks! At this point since the doctor is saying baby is due now April 4th, I am just hoping to make it to all these classes before Jase makes his debut!

Our next appointment to see him is next week and then we're weekly after that! I feel as if I am so ready to be done, but I also feel like there are a million things I can do before he comes, but I guess you're never going feel 100% ready, right?! I think I may be more ready to just be able to move around without feeling exhausted and also bend over and tie my shoes without having to hold my breath LOL. As for Scott being ready, I think the Birthing Classes will help with that. It seems since last night he is VERY concerned with what I do and making sure I am not in harms way! I can actually say I like being the one pregnant since I have been dealing with this now for 8 months, whereas Scott will all the sudden just have a baby one day!!!

Ok so now for the Nursery part of this blog! The nursery was the one thing I've felt I have had completely control over so it was fun to put it all together! Since we are renting the house and can't paint the walls I had to make sure I designed around that. The walls are a yellow/cream-ish color so it wasn't too hard. I knew I needed to start with the bedding and go from there, so thats what I did. Problem about that was, I found out while searching for bedding that I HATE baby bedding! This made the process a little harder, but ETSY to the rescue! Giggle Six Baby is who I used to design the bedding for Jase! All I had to do was let, Krista (the owner) know my ideas/colors and she took it from there. Basically came up with designs and sent them to me to choose from! If you need baby bedding look her up!

Once we had the bedding picked I started to think of a "theme" for the nursery. Again, I didn't want something too baby-ish so I went to my friend Pinterest and started some research! I fell in LOVE with Alphabet Letters on the wall. Off to ETSY I went again! Now I love the ABC's but I still did not want them everywhere in the nursery (and I really loved the idea of using those later in a play room). Another Pinterest find, silhouette animals with stripped backgrounds, easy enough for me to do!! Off to Home Depot I went with Fabric swatches to pick out paint! Now has anyone bought the little sample paints for around $3.00? They are Awesome! I painted all the letters, silhouette pictures and a side table with these paints! Saved a tone of money. So the nursery really doesn't have a theme per-say, but it all goes together well I think! My hope is that most items will grow with Jase for a while!

Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Crib Wall
Scott Go To Bible Verse: 1 Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example... regardless of your age God can use you. 
Ducky Rocker from my Mom and Handmade toy basket from my friend Courtney
Re-painted side table/ ABC frame Brittany got for us.
Standing in front of the closet
Lovely bedding made by Giggle Six Baby 
Hutch and Dresser
Blocks from Baby Shower
Changing Station - Ready to go!
Standing by Crib
Other side of the Closet
Baby Shower sign in frame - From Brittany
Another view of the bedding 
Crib Wall with Letters!
Now I just need to get our bags packet!

Stay Tuned...