Saturday, November 3, 2012


Halloween at our house was pretty uneventful this year! We had a busy week last week, so Scott and I decided to stay in, lock the door, turn off the lights and relax. It was GREAT!

Not answering the door did not stop me from dressing Abby up for the costume holiday though. About a month ago I found a Monkey costume at Pets Mart and I knew Abby would be so cute in it. I mean, she is my little monkey! Though I thought she looked SO cute, Abby hated it. I had to give her treats just to get her to sit long enough for me to take a picture. If you have ever met Abby, you know she's a little over dramatic.

Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! Can't wait to dress up Abby and Baby next year!!!

Our Little Monkey

Hard to get a picture of the Monkey face

Stay Tuned...

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