These last 6 weeks may take forever! The beginning of this pregnancy was pretty easy, but the end is seeming to be a bit challenging. I try my best not to complain much, I'm so grateful to be carrying this little girl, but this pregnancy is taking its tole on my body.
I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes around 28 weeks pregnant and have been checking my sugars levels daily since then. So far I am diet controlled so no meds... at least not yet. I've been continuing to see my chiropractor to help with my pelvic alignment and SPD (Symphysis Pubic Disfunction) which I had with Jase but not nearly this bad and we can recently add leg cramps to the mix. I'm currently limping form a bad one I had Monday morning, pretty sure Scott though I was in labor from my screams.. oops. Thats what happens when you're really pregnant and wake up with a cramp and can't move fast enough to rub it!
Other then that, Adison is an active and healthy baby. She's currently breech, so she's also a little stubborn. Any ideas on getting her to flip you are welcome to share. For me the sooner the better so I can breath easier (literally). I have started weekly stress tests and will do those until birth and we are seeing the regulate OB 2 times monthly which will go to weekly here soon. So we are at the doctor a lot lately.
So even with all the uncomfortableness baby is doing great and I am grateful for that! Just gotta get through 6 more weeks or sooner, I'd be OK with a little sooner!
Jase and Abby wanted a picture and then neither looked! |
We missed 32 weeks... as you can see!
Stay Tuned...