Sunday, December 21, 2014

Abby Turned FOUR!

I can't believe it's taken me over a week to write about Abby's birthday... bad mom status!

Abby's birthday was on December 13th and she had a fun day. I like to take Abby, just me and her now that we have Jase, to get a new toy and usually to a dog park. This year it was raining so we only made it to Pets Mart. Never the less, we had fun!

Abby has still proven to be great with Jase. This year it seems she loves him most when he's eating. This has caused Abby to be at her highest ideal weight (vet's words) so she is starting on a "light" dog food in her 4th year of life. Abby also loves to play with Jase ( on her terms) and nap when he does.

We love Miss Abby!

Stay Tuned...

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