Sunday, October 12, 2014

Funderland and Fairytale Town

A couple weekends ago we went with our neighbors and their kids to the two small parks by the Sacramento Zoo, Funderland and Fairtale Town. I had been to the Zoo with Jase a couple times but not to the other parks. I was excited to see what they had to offer.

Fairytale Town has some animals to see, story time and lots of structures to climb on and slides to slide. It was a great place to let the kids run somewhat freely.

Funderland has carnival type rides for the kids. You just bought how many tickets you wanted and each ride cost you one ticket per person. They had a couple rides that Jase could ride alone, but he didn't seem to like being alone. The rest of the time we opted for rides we could go wit him on and they had plenty.

It was a fun morning and a great place to take kids. Thanks to our neighbors for inviting us along!

Looking at some animals
Driving a tractor
Slide Fun
Blurry, but shows how happy he was
Not happy about this ride
Driving Cars 
Train Ride
Log Ride.. at least on of them smiles for me! 
Stay Tuned...

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