Friday, January 10, 2014

Jase: 9 Months

Goodness I've been lagging on these updates! Jase and I finally got around to taking some 9 month photos yesterday. Kind of impromptu, but I'm happy with how they turned out, especially since Jase is a constantly moving target these days.

Jase has two bottom teeth and is working on the top two now. He crawls all over the place and likes to pull up on things, but hasn't mastered standing yet. I think he's tall enough that he doesn't really have the "need" to stand quite yet. Jase loves food! He still has purees as well as eating what mommy or daddy are eating. He's a current closet open Puffs addict and he also still loves his bottles! Our growing, hungry boy! His 9 month appointment isn't until next week where we will get his current stats.

My Favorite! 

Oh, just some play time!

Stay Tuned...

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