Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving, Baby Bozzo & More

What a busy Thanksgiving week we had! Thanksgiving is my FAVORITE Holiday by far. This was the fourth year that we were able to spend it with both families! My mother in law, Ann, was gracious enough to host this year since Scott and I no longer live in Fresno. A great thing about having everyone together is all the yummy food, everyone has their dish they love to make and bring. Yummy! Aside from the food Scott and I always love spending time with our siblings and parents. The boys had a intense game of Potty Chairs going on and the girls spent time chatting by the fire pit.

Matt & My Mom
Some of the Happy Family
Jason Bonding with Jake
Mark & Melissa
 Along with the normal Thanksgiving stuff, Scott and I were announcing the sex of Baby Bozzo! I usually make Scott a Gluten Free dessert for holidays so I thought I would incorporate the sex of the baby into what I made. Cupcakes are always easy for travel and leftovers for Scott, so I decided to stuff them with either pink or blue. We had the moms do the revealing! Another great moment to see their faces light up!

Baking Supplies
The Grandmas Posing with their Cupcakes 
They found BLUE inside!!!
After Thanksgiving we headed to Tahoe to visit Chris and Brittany at her aunts cabin. It was a last minute trip, but oh so worth it. We watched TV, shopped and tried to find snow!
Scott & Chris in front of Cabela's
Brittany & I 
Cutting the Tri-Tip
Our Yummy Dinner
Abby and I
The Boys and their Dogs
We Found Snow for Abby
Group Shot 
Bus to Northstar
We also hit our half way mark in this pregnancy: 20 Weeks!!!
20 Weeks with Baby BOY
Overall we had a GREAT week and cherished time with our families and friends!

Stay Tuned...