I have been a slacker on taking pictures every two weeks... forgive me!
Baby has been on the move this last week... literally. I have been feeling slight movements for the last two-three weeks, but it hadn't been strong enough for me to know for sure. It all became much more noticeable and undeniable last Wednesday. I woke up feeling good and well rested after our long travel day and was ready to run some errands and unpack. Little did I know I would be out for the count by about 10AM and not get anything done. In the baby/magazines/apps I have been reading, I have read a lot about Round Ligament Pain. Basically a ligament that runs up the side of your uterus that stretches as you do and can sometimes be painful. Now, from everything I've read this is something that happens over time, NOT in my case!!
So, as I'm watching Kelly and Michael in the morning I get up for a pee break and literally mid pee (sorry TMI) I got a shooting pain on my right side. As I left the bathroom I could hardly walk. I sat back on the couch and thought, ok, this is the ligament pain I have read about, it should subside by just resting after a couple of minutes.
Not the case, I was in pain and sometimes couldn't walk until I went to bed that night. It felt like I pulled a muscle in my uterus. After texting Scott a couple of time, sure I was dying, he told me to call the doctor. After speaking with the nurse, she assured me its probably just the ligaments streatching and not to worry unless I have cramping and bleeping. Made me feel better emotionally, not physically.
A great thing that did come from all of this "stretching" was movement. I could now feel baby moving inside me, there was no doubt about that. Sometime midway through the day baby was really active so for kicks (haha, see what I did there) I put my hand on my belly to see of I could feel anything. Sure enough, I could feel the rolling of my baby from the outside! Scott was also able to feel baby this same night, pretty cool! By the next day I was back to normal, no pain at all and still feeling my active little baby!
Along with with baby moving inside me, my belly has also moved on up (all the stretching)! As you can see in the picture below, I really haven't gotten any bigger but belly is much higher!
We are so excited for the months to come, and more movements from Baby Bozzo! 20 week appointment is tomorrow where will will confirm the baby's sex and announce to family on Thanksgiving!
19 Weeks |
Stay Tuned...