Never, Never, Never did I think Scott and my journey to have kids would be filled with so much ups and downs. You can really find out a lot about yourself and spouse going through
hard times. You can see yourself and your spouse at their best and worst and over the last year we've definitely seen both in each other.
After we lost Timothy Scott and I decided that once we were cleared to get pregnant again we would leave it up to Gods will. We weren't going to go on birth control and we also weren't going to
try and get pregnant. I know, I didn't know when I'd be ready, really all I wanted was my Timothy back and to be pregnant with him again. Our hearts just weren't ready to make such a big decision, so we left that decision to the man upstairs. When our hearts were ready we trusted he'd bless us... and that he did! The months after losing Timothy were the most consistent cycles I've ever had not being on birth control and a breath fresh air to not have to worry that my body wasn't working. I think this really helped me be relaxed and trust God.
A couple days after Valentines Day I was officially
late based on my last couple of cycles so I thought I'd take a test. There they were, TWO PINK LINES, clear as day. If you've every tested positive for pregnancy I think you know that feeling of full on
excitement. I personally, get a little shaky, stare at the test a million times and wonder if it could really be true. Then comes the fear, this time this fear was much different then the last two pregnancies, it was much more real. I know the very real possibility of loosing a baby and that feeling took over, very quickly. I started to wonder if this baby would be OK, when would I know or feel comfortable that this baby was a baby I would meet breathing and crying. The truth is I probably won't ever fully let go of the unknowns. I think even when you have a healthy pregnancy and have never experience loss, you still have a little wonder about the unknown. What I decided to do then was place it all in God's hands, once again, this is not in my control. Thought these weeks/months of pregnancy I have definitely had worry, I won't lie and say I haven't, but I've also had a peace along with it. God gave me another baby and I want to enjoy this pregnancy as much as I possibly can. So far, I think I'm doing OK with that.
So onto pregnancy. This one has been A LOT different then the last two. With Jase I was nauseous all day and gaggy at many smells for a good month, I'd say. Then that eased up to some times being nauseous and then around 12/13 weeks I was pretty much back to eating normal foods (minus chicken, In & Out and Chipotle). I also never really had cravings with Jase )except that one time I wanted a slushy). With Timothy I was only nauseous a handful of times and mostly just tired. Still not really any cravings and again not eating chicken, In & Out or Chipotle). This time I have rarely been nauseous, I could eat a donut (or two) daily if I had the choice and am avoiding
most meat like the plague. I have only gagged twice (once from a migraine and another time from licking the seal to an envelope, both could have totally not been related to pregnancy at all!) and yet again not eating In & Out, Chipotle and
most meats along with chicken. My main symptom this pregnancy has be tiredness. I am now on two additional iron supplements which seems to be keeping my anemia at bay and also helps me feel like I can function. Basically this pregnancy has been the easiest one I've had. This little
girl is being so nice to me.
We've been really blessed this time around to be seeing a high risk doctor as well as my regular OBGYN. We've had
four five (five because baby was hiding at one appointment and cause a little scare) ultrasounds so far to check on baby and so far everything looks healthy and well. We did find my placenta is anterior (causes no issues with pregnancy) so I didn't start feeling kicks until around 18 weeks. (I felt kicks with Jase at 16 weeks). I was very happy to know the placenta is FAR away from my cervix so no Placenta Previa this time.
We are feeling VERY blessed to be able to be pregnant again and can't wait to meet this special little girl. Enjoy some pictures from our journey so far below :-).
Baby Girl! |
Still a Girl - We love our Ultrasound Tech and her humor ;-) |
I don't even know when I took this, but early on at some point, Maybe 12-ish weeks |
Brother Loves Sister! |
Super Cute way to Announce a Gender to Sibling or Grandparents! Infanteeniebeenie |
Love these shirts! It is a perfect way to honor our sweet Timothy! |
***Newborn Beanie from
*** Shirts from my dear friend
*** Moccs from
Monkey Mocs
Stay Tuned...