Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Santa Cruz

Last weekend we got to get away and take Jase to Santa Cruz with my parents. When I was little our family went every year and those memories I have of the boardwalk, the beach and my grandparents are some of the best! I was so excited to take Jase and all around excited to get away with family.

Jase seems to be at a great age to take it all in! He loved the sand, the water and the rides! I actually think if he could tell us beyond pointing, whining and saying "Weeee" that he would have loved to go on the big kid rides, mostly the Big Dipper! I think we all had a fun and relaxing weekend! It didn't hurt that the weather was basically perfect!

Thanks Mom and Dad for making this such a special trip!

Seeing what this beach is all about
Following Papa
We had a falling down incident - Jase HATES being dirty,
thats why he's crying!  
All Better

Jase seemed to like the rides that we could go on
with him the best.. these single rides, not so much!
Didn't quite understand these! 
Don't mess with us, we're hard core!
Loves the Carousel 
Worn Out
Yummy Ice Cream 
Race Cars!

Dinner Fun! 

Stay Tuned...