Monday, March 10, 2014

Jase: 11 Months

Less then a month and we will have a toddler! Jase is learning and growing every day! We finally got a good day to take some pictures for his 11 month shoot. These mini photo shoots are becoming so much harder to take, I have about a 5 minute time frame to try and get a smile. Well today Jase was cooperating and I was able to get some good pictures with smiles and him looking at the camera!

Jase is all over the place it seems these days. He crawls so quick, climbing on things, using toys to help him get higher, walking while holding onto furniture or mom or dad (though if we try to help him he just sits, this boy likes to do things on his own!), he says mama now in relation to me and said dada in relation to Scott the other day (before he would just babble those words with no association), says Ab-beh (Abby), loves playing with Abby, loves going on walks and being outside, his favorite show is by far Dora (he's drawn to the TV when it's on), loves to face-time with his grandparents, he's a great eater and starting with some whole milk and so much more! We are LOVING this age.

Stay Tuned...