Thursday, April 18, 2013

Jase is 2 Weeks Old Today!

I can't believe how quickly two weeks have passed. It seems like yesterday I was still pregnant. These 2 weeks have definitely been an adjustment period. I don't think all the classes we could have taken, all the advice given and all the books read could have actually prepared us for a newborn. I'm learning that a newborn baby does not go by the book!

Jase, however, is a great baby. He rarely fusses and pretty much just eats, poops and sleeps. During his awake time I have been trying to to tummy time or put him in his bouncer to engage him a little.

We have been breast feeding which I can say is going well since that is still how he gets his meals, but I'd be lying if I said it was all I thought it would be and more. It's not an easy task that for sure. Jase had a great latch at the hospital, but when my milk came in all hell broke loose. BUT, a great invention is the nipple shield. I have been using those to let myself heal and also continue to breast feed. This has, however, ruined Jases latch completely, so we are now working on weaning off the shied and back to bear boob! I have also recently started to pump in the morning to start a back stock of the liquid gold for future outing and such when breast feeding may not be ideal.

I am anxious for our next doctors appointment as well next week. I'm hoping to hear Jase is gaining weight as he should and I can start feeding only on demand. Right now I am having to wake him if he's sleeping longer then 2 hours, which is a bit tiring. Not to mention it is NO FUN waking a sleeping baby.

Abby and Jase

Abby relaxing in the sun

Dad and Baby

Passed out on grandma

Tummy Time


First Bath at Home

Not sure about it yet

All Clean

Scott's Aunt and Uncle came to visit with his Grandma

Kevin and Amy with Jase

Play Mat Time
Stay Tuned...

Monday, April 8, 2013

Jase Edward Bozzo 4/4/13

Scott and I arrive at the hospital at 7:00 AM to check in for our induction. We are escorted to our delivery room and start paperwork and vital checks. The nurse at this point asked me if I was feeling my contractions. I was shocked she asked me that since we hadn’t been there long and I though I was only hooked up to fluids at this point. I told her no, and she said well you’re contracting on your own every 10 minutes! Apparently my body had already started to prepare a little that morning! At that point she checked me and I was dilated to 2.5 centimeters and 70% effaced. The nurse said they would notify my doctor and thought he would come at lunch and break my water.
Around 8:00 AM I was completely checked in and we started the Pitocin to get the contractions closer together. It did not take long before I started to feel the contractions and was already asking how soon I could get an Epidural! Haha, I didn’t last very long! Between then and 11:00AM I was laboring through each contraction and not really paying attention to anything else going on. Scott said this was the worst part of the labor because he felt helpless. He was great at helping distract me and doing whatever I asked to ease the pain!
At 9:00AM my doctor came in to check me (WAY sooner then lunch time). He said I was 3.5 centimeters and 80% effaced. (After only and hour on Pitocin -amazing!!) So he broke my water to keep things moving along. At this point he told the nurse to put order for the Epidural. Shortly after this my mom came to the hospital to hang out and give Scott and I some support. The Anesthesiologist came in around 11:00AM to give me the Epidural. THANK GOODNESS!!! Soon after that Scott’s parents and grandma came to hang out for a bit. 
Now that I had the Epidural we could all relax a bit again! I was feeling better and we were watching some movies we brought in. I think we watched Elf, Star Wars (the Family Guy one), The Hangover and Shreck! Around 3:00 PM the nurse checked me again and I was 8 centimeters and she said she could start to feel his head, so we were close! (or so we thought). At some point during all this time my Epidural had worn off a bit and I was feeling contractions again, so they had to up my medicine. Close to around 4:30 PM I told the nurse I was feeling a ton of pressure and really wanted to be checked. Around 5:15 PM and everyone is really anxious to see the progression I had made since I had been progressing so fast. Nurse checked me and I was complete and ready to push!
After a little over 2 hours of pushing (due to him having a hard time traveling down my narrow pelvis and breaking my tail bone on the way out) Jase Edward Bozzo was born on 4/4/13 at 7:43 PM, weighing 8 pounds and 20 inches long. Originally we wanted to do skin to skin right after birth, but Jase had a pretty bad cone head/sweeling and had some mucus in his lungs so they had to take him away. Scott was able to take pictures of him being weighed and measured though. I can tell you that feeling of your new baby being taken away from you and you’re lying helpless is not a fun feeling. BUT he was healthy and shortly given back to me. My body did react to all the hormones after birth by shaking which was also a no fun feeling, but that only lasted about an hour and I was feeling somewhat back to normal. During that time Scott got to hold onto his new son! 
Overall the delivery was great and lasted about 12 hours, which for the induction and me being a first time mom is pretty fast! I have some healing to do still, but Jase is SO worth doing it all over if I had to! We are SO IN LOVE! Enjoy some pictures! 

Delivery Room
Grandma's Patiently Waiting
Nic and Jase
Bath Time
Sweet Boy 
Monica and Jase
Chris and Jase
Brittany and Jase 
Great Grandma Emily and Grandma  
Great Grandma Bozzo
Friends (excuse me looking so lovely)
Grandma & Grandpa Bozzo
Grandma & Grandpa Salazar 
Uncle Mark
Auntie Melissa 
Great Grandma Jones
4/4/13 - 8lbs - 20in at 7:43PM

Stay Tuned...