I feel as if I've been a bad blogger and really bad about updating pictures! I'm going to try and be better about this especially since we have SO much coming up to blog about!
We have an appointment Tuesday morning to see our little man, can't wait! I'm crossing my fingers that he stays still long enough to get some good pictures. The last two appointments we had we didn't get very good pictures due to him no staying still! At the last appointment the doctor said he should have some more fat on him by now and should be able to get a good 3D picture! Either way I just can't wait to see him. I believe that my appointments will be changing to ever 2 to 3 weeks now too, WooHoo!
So what's been going on with our little man lately... everything. I don't think this kid knows how to sleep. Can you sleep train a baby still in the womb? HAHA. I can tell he has not picked a position yet in my tummy since I get kicked down low and up at my ribs in a matter of seconds, lets just hope once he picks he chooses head down! He is favoring my right side, and has since I could feel him. Yes, I am the woman with the lopsided pregnant belly at times, and yes I point this out to my husband and he just laughs. Thanks honey!
I DID take a 26 week picture but failed to post it, so I took one yesterday as well at 27 weeks so now you can see how much I grow in a week :) Aren't you lucky?! My books and apps say that my stomach and baby should be finishing a growth spurt right about now and continue steady growth until born and as you can see, IT SHOWS!! From here on out watch me turn from human to whale! ;-)
26 Weeks |
27 Weeks |